1. Pool walls

New construction and retrofitting in self-supporting execution

Due to the self-supporting type of construction, no more than strip foundation is needed in new construction. In case of  etrofitting the existing pool floor can be used as foundation, sufficient bearing strength provided. Structural stability is provided by splines attached to the back of the wall elements. Deflection of hydrostatic forces is achieved either by way of angular supports resting on the strip foundation, or horizontally, against the mass of the pool’s concrete perimeter in case of indoor pools.

In cases of new construction for outdoor or indoor facilities, stainless-steel basis will invariably be built according to this system. A lining of concrete walls is the rare exception in new construction and will usually be restricted to certain high diving pools or diving sections in regular pools as well as to pools that are newly covered with concrete for reasons particular to a project.

1. Pool walls

Retrofitting of a pool by lining:

The pool-head of the pre-existing pool is taken off with a concrete-cutting saw, producing a clean and perfectly straight
cutting edge. On its top, a new selfsupporting stainless-steel pool-head, complete with a overflow-channel, is mounted. If the remainder of the old pool walls are flat, a sub-frame of mounting strips is pinned onto them, on top of which the stainless-steel panels can be mounted without any further supportive bracing. This procedure is particularly recommended for the retrofitting of competition pools, as the new stainlesssteel lining will lay on only 5 mm all in all, so that mandatory measurements can be preserved. If the pool length will be to short after the retrofitting, the existing tile can be removed to ensure proper length requirements. But usually this is not necessary.

When retrofitting a pool by covering existing pool walls, the new stainless-steel pool walls can be mounted directly in front of the existing walls. This “detached” layout is recommended wherever a lining is not feasible or if pool dimensions are to be reduced. The new pool walls with their splines attached may be erected directly in front of and against the existing walls. In this case, angular supports can be mounted onto the existing walls provided their bearing strength is sufficient.

2. Pool-head with overflow-channel and gutter grating

The submerge bevel, slanted in an angle of under 30° and its 10 cm wide, serves as a handle as well as a ripple breaker and is providing a smoother water surface. The stainless-steel coping of the embankment is executed with a prescribed accuracy of ± 2 mm, regardless of pool dimensions. The overflow-channel’s inward-facing flow-off slant has a 12° inclination, in compliance with KOK standards (German guidelines for pools). This prevents a sudden drop of the water and allows for an even and noiseless water flow from the overflow edge into the overflow-channel. A U-shaped folding of the coping provides for a smooth lead-out to the pool perimeter. In indoor pools a circumferential stainless-steel mounting angle will be flanged to the folded edge, serving as an interface toward the adjacent humidity insulation. The overflowchannel is designed to serve as bedding for the gutter grating. Grate elements fitted with guide signs (such as for water depth, for example) can be seamlessly integrated into the gutter grating. The pool perimeter adjacent to the overflowchannel can be leveled with the overflowchannel or else be laid lower. In case of a lower-laid perimeter the outer edge of the overflow-channel will be covered with concrete blocks (outdoors) resp. tiles (indoors).

3. Water distribution systems

Both retrofitted and newly built stainlesssteel pools are equipped with a vertical fresh-water feed system with detachable
lids, ensuring easy access for routine maintenance and cleaning purposes. The water recirculation is effected exclusively
via the overflow-channel. The inlet-channels are calibrated in accordance with the DIN 19643 hydraulic standards. These pool bottom pipes are let-in flush with the floor sheets of the pool.

The cover plates of the inlet-channels are fitted with a surface structurally identical to that of the floor sheets. The lids are
equipped with a push-in, plug-in system for easy placement and removal. Special injection jets made of high-grade extruded
plastic are let-in flush with the lid’s surface. They are positioned in such angels as to produce a smooth, radial, overall injection pattern. In case of new construction foundation blocks can be used as support for the inlet-channels. In case of retrofitting the channels can be laid onto the existing pool floor.

4. Pool accessories

All pool accessories, such as stairs, entry areas, handrails, pool hydraulics, attractions etc., are made from the same material. In this regard, stainless-steel pools represent a uniquely integral system. This is an aspect that is often overlooked
in cost comparisons with other modes of swimming-pool construction.

Stainless-steel pools permit the future addition of accessories and attractions – or repairs, for that matter – without any visible impairment.

5. Pool floor

Pool floors are non-bearing elements as a matter of principle, with a sheet thickness of 1.5 mm. Prior to the floor sheets being laid out and welded shut, a basic filler layer has to be poured (condensed gravel, permeable). The upper 6-8 cm directly under the floor sheets should be padded either with compacted fine gravel or, better still, with a ground off layer
of concrete.

Up to a water depth of 1.35 meters, the floor sheets will come with a anti-slip surface conforming to the highest specification for skid resistance (C class). In pools with a water depth of over 1.35 meters, the floor comes with a plain sheet-metal surface.

Where the floor sheets meet the wall/side panel, the floorsheets can be inserted for welding. This ensures that any non-skidproof floor margin in these areas will not exceed 5 cm in width.

The use of stainless steel for new construction and retrofitting of outdoor and indoor swimming pools has become the state-of-the-art technology in the water-park business. If expertly designed and built and if properly maintained and looked after, these pools will outperform all other swimming pool technologies in terms of longevity and cost
effectiveness, by a sizeable margin.

And even in case a stainless-steel pool should become redundant it can be dismantled in its entirety, will go back to the furnace as valuable high-grade scrap metal and can be reborn as stainless-steel sheets, maybe even as a new stainless-steel swimming pool. These recycling advantages contribute to resource conservation of a very special kind.